
如果您运行仓库,肉类加工厂或其他冷库设施,您知道设备在维护工作场所效率和安全方面发挥着重要作用。手工移动托盘可能是耗时的,身体征税,甚至危险。用一个118bet金博宝 , in contrast, allows you to swap out pallets, remove freezer spacers and combine loads easily.

如果在日常运营中经常使用托盘检索,则希望您的设备尽可能高效地运行。作为一家致力于最大限度地提高生产力的公司,您可能已经完成了正确维护您的设备并培训员工达到特定目标输出目标所需的一切。毕竟,您的托盘猎犬移动的速度越快,您可以完成的工作就越多。因此,樱桃的工业设备很兴奋,自豪金宝慱亚洲体育188金宝慱官网登录地提供其new, high-speed version of our PSR-90 freezer spacer removal machine.

One of the Fastest Pallet Retrievers on the Market

Cherry's high-speed PSR-90 brings new meaning to operational efficiency. The ground-loaded retriever has a 3,000-pound capacity and a pallet cycle rate of 40-50 pallets per hour. Powered by a five-horsepower motor, the high-speed pallet retriever can handle the same tasks as the standard PSR-90 in significantly less time. How would completing more loads per day impact your company's profitability? With the high-speed PSR-90, you can find out.

When you firstsee the new PSR-90 in action,你可能会立即注意到速度差异。这款托盘猎犬可以在樱桃标准托盘猎犬的41秒内完成完整的循环,只需30秒就在30秒内。金宝慱亚洲体育并且随着负载,差异甚至更明显。操作员可以倾斜机器,拆下冷冻垫片,并在仅50秒内将其返回到直立位置。

For businesses that move pallets constantly, these time savings could equal more cycles completed, higher productivity and a higher return on investment.



  • 轻松加载和卸载:You can access this pallet retriever easily, whether you're using a manual or electric pallet truck. Load and unload the machine at ground level from the front or side, whichever you prefer.
  • Reduced risk for injury:与手动托盘相比,使用托盘猎犬大大减少了伤害,菌株和其他磨损和身体撕裂的风险。这使员工保持安全,减少工人赔偿索赔的需求。
  • 可靠的性能:Cherry's provides equipment built for long-term, reliable performance. The high-speed PSR-90 comes with a three-year warranty on parts and labor and optional extended service.

With benefits like these, it's worth considering how a new high-speed PSR-90 could enhance your current work flow.


If you're looking for a pallet retriever that meets and exceeds your expectations for speed, efficiency and reliability, Cherry's has your solution. We've been offering equipment for small and medium-sized businesses for more than 35 years! With experienced and knowledgeable consultants and high quality engineered products and equipment we at Cherry's Industrial are here to make sure you get what you need to take your business to the next level.

想要了解更多关于我们新的高速PSR-90托盘猎犬? Call 800-350-0011 or在网上到达我们免费报价。